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Temporary public policy granting permanent residence to refugees working in the health sector

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

The government of Canada has implemented a policy granting permanent residence to qualified refugee claimants working in Canada’s healthcare sector. The new policy can be found here:

Applications under this public policy will be accepted from December 14, 2020 to August 31st,2021.

Eligibility under this policy

You are eligible for this program if you are:

1) A pending refugee claimant or unsuccessful refugee claimant, who made a refugee claim in Canada prior to March 13, 2020.

2) Residing in Canada outside Quebec when your application for Permanent residence is made,

3) Authorized to work in Canada by virtue of a work permit or work permit exemption.

4) Working in a designated profession in Canada which involves providing direct patient care in a hospital, public or private long term care home or assisted living facility or for an organization/agency providing home or residential health care services to seniors and persons with disabilities in private homes:

a) for a minimum of 120 hours (equivalent to 4 weeks full-time) between March 13, 2020 (the date when Canadian travel advisories were issued) and August 14, 2020 (the date the public policy was announced; and,

b) for a minimum of 6 months full-time (30 hours per week) or 750 hours (if working part-time) total experience (obtained no later than August 31, 2021); and,

The occupations that are eligible under this policy are:

If your claim was refused by the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), you are still eligible for this program if you have filed an appeal before the Refugee Appeal Division or if you have a judicial review application before the Federal Court.

If you are waiting for your refugee hearing and apply to the program, the IRB will suspend your case until a decision is made on your application for permanent residence under this program.


Image by Daniel Novykov

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